Ale Santuz: October 2015 - Training recap                                                  

October 2015 - Training recap

October is usually an easy month for running. Not for my PhD though. The annual Autumn School we organise and a recent publication of ours on foot strike patterns really filled every free spot in my schedule. A little cold around half month took me down for around 10 days, but was nothing serious fortunately. In preparation for another full month, I did only a few kilometres and started to get into the XC mood!

As usual, you can see all my training sessions details on the SportTracks mobi service.
Here the diary entries for the past October:

Th 01/10/2015 Off.
Fr 02/10/2015 Measurements @ HU Berlin, easy 30'.
Sa 03/10/2015 RACE: 11.9 km XC (Sägerserie 2015 - 1. Lauf).
Su 04/10/2015 Slow 30'. 40' aggressive inline (skate park).
Mo 05/10/2015 Easy 35'.
Tu 06/10/2015 Off.
We 07/10/2015 Off.
Th 08/10/2015 Off.
Fr 09/10/2015 Off.
Sa 10/10/2015 Slow 30'.
Su 11/10/2015 Off.
Mo 12/10/2015 Easy 50' with some hills. 30' ice skating.
Tu 13/10/2015 15', 15' fartlek, 15'.
We 14/10/2015 Slow 40'.
Th 15/10/2015 Ill. Core strength.
Fr 16/10/2015 Off. Ill.
Sa 17/10/2015 40' XC roller ski.
Su 18/10/2015 Slow 25', arms, legs and core strength.
Mo 19/10/2015 Easy 45'.
Tu 20/10/2015 Easy 40'.
We 21/10/2015 45' with some XC.
Th 22/10/2015 Slow 30'.
Fr 23/10/2015 Off.
Sa 24/10/2015 40' ice speed skating. 10', running drills, 2 strides, 5x200 m (200 m jog rest), CD. Arms, legs and core strength.
Su 25/10/2015 Legs and core strength. Easy 55'.
Mo 26/10/2015 Easy 30'.
Tu 27/10/2015 Core strength.
We 28/10/2015 45' XC.
Th 29/10/2015 15', 15' fartlek, 15'.
Fr 30/10/2015 Off.

Sa 31/10/2015 Easy 60'.
